The purchase of a license of mabTasks for Pocket PC

This software is 30 days trial edition. mabTasks for Pocket PC is a shareware. You have to purchase a license to use it.

This package is a trial package for 30 days. You can try mabTasks for 30 days from install.
There is no limitation of the functions except that a message to inform of trial is displayed in start.
When the trial period expires, you cannot use mabTasks anymore without the registration.
Please purchase a license before the trial period expires.

A price of a license

A price of a license is US$10.95- .

Where to purchase?

You can purchase a license at the following sites.

* E-mail address is necessary to purchase a license key.

Handango Buy mabTasks at Handango!
PocketGear Buy mabTasks at PocketGear!

About upgrade from previous version

The ver.1.40 license user can upgrade to ver.1.50 with no fee. (same license key)

Notification from us

To inform you about new version or new products, we send e-mail to your e-mail address.
If you do not need our information, please contact .

The license registration procedure (In the case of trial period)

1 [File]-[About mabTasks...]
In the case of trial period, you can start mabTasks normally.

Start mabTasks and tap [File]-[About mabTasks...].
2 About dialog Unregistered
A version information screen is displayed.

Tap [License Registration] button.

3 License Registration dialog
[License Registration] dialog is displayed.

[E-mail address] Your e-mail address which you used at the purchase.
[License Key] Your license key. (registration key or registration code) .

License key is case sensitive. Please pay attention to 'O' of the alphabet and '0' of a number.
E-mail address is not case sensitive.


4 Thanks for your registration dialog
[Thanks for your registration] screen is displayed.
Please tap [OK] button.
5 About dialog registered
When the registration has completed, a version information screen appears.

[Licensed to:] textbox is filled with your address.

* If trial period has expired, after registration, the list view screen is displayed.

The license registration procedure (In the case of the expiration of the trial period)

1 Trial period has expired dialog
When the trial period has expired, a screen such as the left is displayed in start.
When you tap [Yes],  [License Registration] screen appears.
If you tap [No], mabTasks finish.

About the old free versions

 Before ver.1.00, mabTasks was freeware. If you have ver.0.90E or earlier, you can use it as freeware in the future.
If you want to use ver.1.00 or later, please purchase a license.
With the release of ver.1.50E, the supply of ver.0.90E in our site was finished. Please approve it.

mabTasks for Pocket PC Ver.1.50E  Copyright (C) 1998-2006 by Jun Mabuchi  All Rights Reserved

2006/06/29 Thu